Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Market, Market, Market

I know, sounds like Marsha, Marsha, Marsha...and we were that exasperated during our recent trip to market. We three shoppers looked like we were fully in charge of our selecting, ordering, and managing tasks. Well, let me just set the record straight...we were chaotic at best and that poor drink vendor (we chased him from floor 1 to floor 16 and back again).

However, as exasperated as we were...we found some really awesome treasures and cannot wait to get them in and show them off. We do have a little preview, but I will warn you it is a very limited amount of what we collected.

For the humor portion of our trip, which there is always a great deal of...I got turned around and did a 30 minute round trip correction (Robin is a great driver, terrible motivator in times of my driving crisis). We did chase the snack and drink vendor because well, why not we were so confused on everything else. We met the most awesome fashion solicitors to date on this trip. It all began with a big toe, yes a big toe and ended with talks of politics, fashion, travel and 50 year old men getting back to their RV. We had an incredible time meeting new friends and they were really a riot! Robin and Diddi decided their ultimate goal in life is to follow me and pick up the pieces. Robin kept going back for more and more...and Diddi, thank goodness brought her purse.

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