Friday, August 7, 2009


Well, it is not as if friendships get graded or one side scores points over another. However, recently I felt like a complete failure...give me a total "F" for my side of the friend relationship. I have been blessed, totally blessed, with a true best friend if there ever was one. We grew up together literally from age 8 and our undisclosed ages to date! We shared everything except clothes because she was at least 2 sizes smaller than myself.

As most friends do, we discovered other friends and charted our own paths in fields and areas we thought were best for ourselves. Over time, we still maintained that friendship which picks up exactly where we left off three months ago. I love this relationship that reminds me of how true people can be regardless of jobs, husbands, kids, hobbies and well life in general.

It happened to me a few days ago...I felt truly heartsick and disgusted with myself. I have not called this precious friend of mine in well two months...awful I know! I found out through another dear friend and facebook (of all things) that a tragedy had occured in my childhood friends life. What? Where was I? How did this happen without me knowing? Horrible would not begin to describe how I felt when I found out. Let's be real I didn't take the initiative to call and see how her life was going. Therefore, I did not get to help her, share her heartache, bring food (as most good southerners do)...nothing.

So, words of wisdom from me the worst friend in the world...take the time to call a friend. Take the time to send a card (people still love hand written notes) and make sure all is well with the most treasured relationships we know. I am so truly sorry that I was not there for my friend, but my feelings for her, her family and our relationship are strong and will continue to be so!

1 comment:

  1. She will understand. But I understand the heart ache of feeling like you were not there to share her grief, hold her hand and hug her tightly.

    You are a great person....we just sometimes get too busy.

    Love ya lots.



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