Monday, June 8, 2009

Beach Birds

The age old question around our compound is, "what are we doing this weekend"? Seriously, as if we aren't busy enough we have to make plans for the weekend. We left early Saturday morning and headed to the beach...yes, the quiet and peacful beach. We loaded Doodle and PD in the car and away we went. When we turned the corner where the beach becomes visible it was truly an ahhh moment. The kids went crazy and it seemed like the weight of the world left us. We parked our car and unloaded the shovels, pails, chairs, and snacks (can't forget snacks). We listened to the waves crash, the wind blow, and of course the beach birds. I know they have a name, probably a scientific name but in our family they are beach birds. Diddi has always called them that and it seems we have passed it on to our kiddos.

We sat in total peace for about two hours and headed for some burgers...awesome old timey can't take a whole bite burgers. We sadly left longing for a week or two of the tranquility only the beach can provide. As we were leaving the sound of those happy, and I thought lucky, beach birds stayed in my mind. Until next time...

We then went to party with our really ultra cool and always hilarious friends for Ashley's gradution...congrats Ashley you will do great things!

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