Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On the Road Again

I should just say "on the road, period", "always on the road", and "we live on the road...in our cars". This All-American holiday weekend was different. We took our lovely children to a water resort overnight. Wow! I have a three year old boy and Robin has a four year old girl...boy hates water, girl loves water. I just knew this would be a setup for a major disaster. However, apparently the water resort people knew what they were doing when they designed their water friendly for those who hate water concept. My sweet, solemn and timid darling had a great time (when he wasn't thinking about actually being in the water) and Kylee, our dare-devil, show no fear and if it involves risks I'm in absolutely child didn't quit swimming. All in all a great time when it wasn't raining. We drove there, drove home, got in the car and went back to do some business errands the next day and...finally yesterday afternoon some back porch relaxation.

So, while we truly do not l-i-v-e in our cars sometimes it sure feels like it and it felt good to chill out yesterday afternoon. It feels good to know we can busy around like little bees in search of the fun for our kids and then sit on a breezy back porch and visit, eat, sit quietly, read a book, and the list goes on. But, at what cost is our freedom to do these things and make these choices? We forget....I forget that we have service men and women everyday making the ultimate sacrifice or even a series of smaller sacrifices so that we can make those mundane choices. Seriously, a huge decision for us was whether to stay home or to go, go, go. I honestly gave no initial thought to the men and women who do not have that option. As I sat there yesterday afternoon in the breeze with music playing and our kiddos giggling in the sand box...it hit me. Not just "hey imagine that" hit me, but slammed into me and truly made my heart beat faster hit me...we are free. Free to choose to be here at this moment or free to live life on the road all of the time shuttling back and forth. We are free and many many unknown to us individuals have given us that ultimate luxery...freedom!

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