Monday, May 11, 2009

A New Day...Well Almost

A new day, a fresh beginning, a new horizon...only it is 4:00 this evening and my new day just didn't work out like I thought it would. I started today with great intentions of marking of that "to do" list in order and with precision. Somthing like a master drill sergeant (a little type A), only it didn't really happen that way. However, it did begin with my wonderful friend Amanda (Amanda Key leaving a super pretty gift box with a ring that I had previously admired at our office. This beautifully presented gift all for me...kind gestures are such super neat surprises! Then I ran into a few minor issues concerning our new website for our online gift boutique ( I am not what would be described as a computer expert...not be a long shot. So, this really awesome web designer struck me with her fashion sense and savvy web designs and I jumped at her mercy. She has been incredibly understanding of my lack of computer knowledge and skills. Michelle at is the ultimate mix of ultra hip and computer smart...what a combination and today she is my hero!

So, the only thing I got marked off of my "to-do" list is that I actually made it to school to drop off two sweet and sleepy from the weekend off children. I am so thankful I had my "to-do" list in the car! We are starting our new online business...myself, Mandi and my sister Robin and Diddi (the backbone of...well keeping Robin and I centered with reality). We are Doodle Designs and there will be more about that later! For today, I did not accomplish all I set out to do, but I learned many new things about computers, friends, and myself that make me want to ditch the list and start fresh tomorrow without goals or destinations. But, I know me and I know that list will be waiting for me when I wake!

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